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Publisher:  Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD)

Author:  Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD)||Collège de Maisonneuve

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Submitted by:  yorkfsl

Date Submitted:  avril 12, 2021


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Language of Resource: Français

Resource Type: Software

Media Format: Website

Prep time: N/A

Teaching duration: N/A

The website brings together resources for teaching and learning French as a second language (FSL) and is designed and organized around three conceptual axes for self-directed learning. It includes 311 resources organized in 3 distinctive collections (thematic, grammatical and the oral communication one) that are presented in clear pedagogical sequences aimed at guiding learner’s progress from the reading to the oral comprehension. The resources included can also be easily identified by type into activities, animations, pronunciation exercises, interactive exercises, tables, texts, videos and files in order to enable identifying the most appropriate ones.
The website represents a repository of various learning and teaching resources for French as a second language teachers and learners organized around three self-directed learning axes, each further divided into a a number of sub-collections.
The first thematic collection contains four sub-collections organized around a specific topic (comic books, circus, virtual reality and tattoos) aimed at improving learner’s oral and written comprehension and expression.
The second, grammatical collection with twelve sub-collections aimed at consolidating knowledge at a sentence-level as well as revising word classes (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, verbs, etc.)
The third collection includes four sub-collections focusing on spelling and pronunciation of French sounds, words and sentences. Various filters allow to sort resources according to type and format (interactive exercises, tables, videos, animations, etc.) as well as to to identify specific language competencies such as written or oral comprehension and written and oral production.

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Education Level: Adult and Continuing Education, Université - deuxième et troisième cycle

Subject(s): Langue française

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