Publisher: Ministry of Education
Hosted by: www.jumpmath.org
Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: avril 12, 2021
Jumpmath is a curriculum based tool originally designed for teachers but also has become a tool for parents wanting to give their child a boost in math. Grades K-8 in English and French, and designed for the French Immersion or Extended French classroom.
Jumpmath provides extra help in math for students in English programs and French Immersion or Extended French from grades 1- 8. In Ontario the recent modification of beginning FI programs in grade 2 at 100% French means that parents are having to work with their children who are now learning first math concepts in French. Extended French programs also, depending on the school district, may offer Math in French. Jump math offers online exercises and explanations to assist students learning math, and provides extended homework activities. Curriculum guides are provided for five provinces: Alberta, BC, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.