Publisher: Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
Author: Gay Luks, Joanna
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Submitted by: yorkfsl
Date Submitted: avril 12, 2021
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Le Littéraire dans le quotidien is an open textbook for use in French courses. The Literary in the Everyday represents a new pedagogical approach to reading and writing at the lower levels and is applicable to all languages. Teachers of foreign languages besides French can read about the approach in the Teacher’s Guide. Go to Google Drive for individual chapters. Additionally, the Foreign Languages & The Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) Project, a joint initiative of the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) and Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), two national foreign language resource centers, offers open resources for professional development in the publication of CC licensed FLLITE lessons in any language.
Table of Contents
1a. What’s in a name?
1b. Comment?!
2. Un portrait chinois
3. Envie de voyager
4. Respect et verité
5. Un peu de hareng fumé
6. La Ville et le graffiti
7. Fêtes et souvenirs
8. Sur le chemin du retour
9. La Technologie…
10. Il était une fois
11. Mais je digresse
12. Le Monde du travail
13. L’Amour (et la guerre)
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