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Darsanimé-Dessin animé islamique / Muslim cartoon

These cartoons can be used to teach children about the Islamic religion and as an intercultural activity, to explain non-Islamic children about Ramadan and other important Islamic holidays. this type of activity helps students to feel included in the school and the classroom. Des méthodes Prophétiques associées aux dernières Découvertes en Neurosciences Cognitives et Affectives, […]

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There are over 1.2 billion people learning a language and the majority are doing so to gain access to better opportunities. Unfortunately, learning a language is expensive and inaccessible to most. We created Duolingo so that everyone could have a chance. Free language education – no hidden fees, no premium content, just free. Duolingo is […]

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Elitist, Inequitable and Exclusionary Practices: A Problem within Ontario French Immersion Programs? / A Literature Review

The 2013 Ontario French Second Language (FSL) Curriculum emphasizes inclusivity and bilingualism; however, many students are recommended to opt out of French Immersion (FI). The opting-out of students may support the strengthening of the program by establishing a reputation of success, but how does it affect the withdrawn child? Are FSL programs using best practices […]

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Conte-Moi la francophonie. TRALALERE

Tales from many African countries and also from France help the learner understand La Francophonie through oral tradition. Une plateforme interactive pour travailler la lecture littéraire avec vos élèves 50 contes sélectionnés pour leur qualité propre Des contes audio à télécharger pour les écouter hors connexion Des fiches pédagogiques pour travailler la lecture littéraire autour […]

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Bibliothèque des Amériques

Des miliers de livres francophones numériques à découvrir gratuitement! « La Bibliothèque des Amériques ouvre, pour beaucoup de gens dans ce monde gorgé d’inégalités, de fantastiques possibilités. Brusquement une grande partie de cette Amérique aura accès à un savoir jusque-là hors de leur portée! » Dany Laferrière Parrain de la Bibliothèque des Amériques Cette bibliothèque […]

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Bonne Chance Worksheets

A collection of worksheets focusing on grammar for students who are learning French, which can be applied to beginner in core french classes, to beginner adult learners, and can provide valuable review resources for more advanced French language learners. French Worksheets for students on a variety of grammatical components, providing details instructions and grammar exercises. […]

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Stories for children and adults from diverse cultures. The stories are short, between 2 and 6 minutes, and some are written for children to understand adult problems (e.g., environment, recycling, friendship, etc.). They all have subtitles, and foster the development of the four strands: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Animated French books for children with […]

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