Un site fantastique qui donne des idées de lecture sur le thème de la diversité pour commencer à transformer nos salles de classe. J’aime en particulier les commentaires d’enseignants ayant […]
Classe : 10
Welcoming ELL into FSL Programs
The speaker talks about research studies related to ELL students in FSL and shares research evidence (p. 8 of the document) that supports the participation of ELL students in FSL […]
QC French Printable Worksheets
A printable collection of worksheets created by QC French. Worksheets are in PDF format and are printable and free to use by individuals. The worksheets include grammar points, ER/RE/IR regular […]
Quizizz is a creativity software company used in class, group works, pre-test review, exams, unit test, and impromptu tests. It allows students and teachers to be online at the same […]
rfi SAVOIRS Les voix du monde / rfi apprendre & enseigner le Français
Keywords: les fruits, les légumes, l’habitation, le transport, les heures de la journée, les émotions, la famille, j’aime, je n’aime pas, Searches can be made by thématique, rubrique, objectif, niveau […]
Peuples autochtones
Plusieurs sujets à propos des peuples autochtones sont abordés sur cette page: le droit de vote des peuples autochtones (*), la colonisation, les pensionnats, la traite des fourrures, Louis Riel, […]
Parlons Français – TV5 Monde / Parlons Français – C’est Facile: Des webdocumentaires pour apprendre le français
TV5 Monde is a French (Francophone) programming station that features television shows, content, full-feature films, and educational material that can be adapted to various audiences. Learning material features workshops, games, […]
News In Slow French
News in Slow French is a website, but also an application that can be downloaded onto most devices, and utilized for news and language learning. There are a variety of […]
National Gallery of Canada – Musée des Beaux Arts du Canada
The National Gallery of Art website is the official website for National treasures and collections of art, officially recognized at the capital, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The National Art Gallery […]
My TOP 9 RESOURCES for LEARNING FRENCH are all resources I’ve used to teach myself French. These mostly FREE online language resources are my favourites that helped me go from […]