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L’OIF en chiffres

This lesson plan allows students to enrich their knowledge of l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie through various activities (video: 4mins 18sec). These activities will push students to practice their French comprehension and presentation skills by creating an oral presentation that focusses on and promotes one of the organization’s objectives. Save to Board […]

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l’Histoire des Noirs au Canada

Qui sait que l’histoire des Canadiens noirs s’étend sur quatre cents ans et englobe l’esclavage, son abolition, les débuts de la colonisation, la croissance urbaine, la ségrégation, le mouvement des droits civiques et une participation de longue date à la vie sociale? — Lawrence Hill Ces ressources visent à améliorer la pensée critique des apprenants […]

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Les Décrypteurs

Un site-web qui traque les fausses informations qui se propagent sur les réseaux sociaux pour lutter contre la désinformation. Les Décrypteurs sont membres du International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Save to Board […]

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Le mode de vie des Autochtones

These resources will help the learner better understand the FNMI way of life. The activities are age/grade appropriate for learners from Grade 3 to 12.Several resources, in French, that will the learner understand the FNMI. The video La légende du canot d’écorce has sub-titles and is suitable for Grades 3 to 6, along with the […]

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La naissance de la Francophonie

This lesson plan explains to the class how the Francophonie, as an organization, was formed through various activities. (Audio: 2min 40sec). These activities will teach students to locate important details within an institutional context and understand the purpose of La Francophonie. Save to Board […]

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Je dis non au racisme! / Let’s Fight Racism!

English A website created by the United Nations to inform people on racial discrimination relating to economic, social and cultural rights. There are testimonials, quizzes and other educational documents on racism throughout the world. Français Un site web fait par l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) pour informer les gens de la discrimination raciale quant aux […]

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Is French Immersion ‘Suitable’ for Children with Dyslexia?

Dr. Nancy Wise dispels common myths about the ‘suitability’ of French immersion (FI) for children with dyslexia. She shares research evidence obtained by leading investigators indicating that, with the provision of supports both in and outside of school, students with dyslexia can benefit from participation in FI. Nancy highlights the importance of early screening in […]

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International Student Exchange Ontario ISE

Ontario elementary and secondary students enrolled in French language studies can apply to participate in a student exchange program various French-speaking countries in Europe. Ideally applications are accepted one year prior to the expected program start. Students will be matched with a student in that country and live with the family for the duration of […]

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