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Publisher:  Camerise

Author:  Camerise

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Submitted by:  Michael

Date Submitted:  septembre 11, 2023

Language of Resource: Anglais

Resource Type: Other

Media Format: Website

This document is a survey template designed to be shared following a Camerise Diving workshop.
It can be printed or copied and pasted into a survey tool of your choice such as Google Form, LimeSurvey, SurveyMonkey or other.
This resource is under the CC BY-NC-SA license, so you can download it, adapt it, translate it, remove or add parts to it, redistribute it, and much more.

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Subject(s): Éducation, Langue française, Outillages & guides d'éducation ouverte

Accessibililty: The resource has been assessed for accessibility purposes and has been determined to be accessible.

Equity, Diversity, Social Justice: This material contains content related to equity, diversity, and/or social justice.

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