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Les Décrypteurs

Un site-web qui traque les fausses informations qui se propagent sur les réseaux sociaux pour lutter contre la désinformation. Les Décrypteurs sont membres du International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Save to Board […]

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Ici-Radio Canada / Radio Canada (French Station)

Ici-Radio Canada is a comprehensive website that includes French programming and radio covering a variety of topics, from news, to politics, sports, entertainment, economics and more. The website can be utilized by a variety of stakeholders and for educational purposes. Ici-Radio Canada is the official radio station of the CBC in French, particularly geared towards […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an interactive message board where teachers can pose questions and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Try using Flipgrid to […]

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