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The Problems with French Immersion

Proponents of French immersion say that students enrolled in the program see benefits throughout their lifetime. Yet, as demand for the program grows, the number of graduates don’t reflect that trend. The Agenda ponders the pitfalls of the province’s French immersion education system. Participants are debating on the question asked by Steve Paikin : What […]

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Social media have enormous potential value for learning, formal and informal. Our task is to find ways to make them work for us. This book presents our speculations on the implications of the changes shaped by the ever-increasing use of social media in distance learning and the various shifts that may or should occur across […]

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Quizizz is a creativity software company used in class, group works, pre-test review, exams, unit test, and impromptu tests. It allows students and teachers to be online at the same time. Ideal for students from Grade 3 to 12. Great for Instructional Design, Game-Based Learning, Assessment, Formative Assessment. This is a good multiple-choice-style quiz tool […]

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Miroirs et fenêtres – Manuel de communication interculturelle

Les expériences interculturelles posent inévitablement des défis en termes d´identité personnelle et de compétences communicatives. L´individu doit apprendre à gérer des situations inopinées, l´ambiguïté et l´altérité, ainsi que les heurts ou les chocs culturels résultants. Les connaissances, compétences et attitudes sous-tendant une communication interculturelle réussie doivent faire l´objet d´observations, de discussions et de pratiques. Ce […]

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Médiation culturelle et didactique des langues

Ce projet de formation à la recherche par la recherche a réuni des représentants de plus 25 pays membres du CELV. Ses résultats font l´objet d´un ouvrage éponyme et de recommandations à l´usage des décideurs. L´ensemble vise à introduire la médiation culturelle dans le débat en didactique des langues. Alors que la majorité des innovations […]

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This website offers resources for several subjects, games, quizzes, a real wealth of activities and assessments that will help teachers, parents and students. Lumni est la nouvelle offre de l’audiovisuel public au service de l’éducation pour les élèves, les enseignants et les éducateurs et qui regroupe tous les acteurs de l’audiovisuel public. Cette offre éducative […]

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English An initiative of the ACPI (Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals), receiving financial support from the Official Languages Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Français Une initiative de l’Association canadienne des professionnels de l’immersion (ACPI), soutenue financièrement par le programme des langues officielles du ministère du Patrimoine canadien. Save to Board […]

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Flipgrid is a website and app that allows teachers to facilitate video discussions. Students are organized into groups, then given access to discussion topics. The topic space serves as an interactive message board where teachers can pose questions and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Try using Flipgrid to […]

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Elitist, Inequitable and Exclusionary Practices: A Problem within Ontario French Immersion Programs? / A Literature Review

The 2013 Ontario French Second Language (FSL) Curriculum emphasizes inclusivity and bilingualism; however, many students are recommended to opt out of French Immersion (FI). The opting-out of students may support the strengthening of the program by establishing a reputation of success, but how does it affect the withdrawn child? Are FSL programs using best practices […]

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