
Disrupting colonial ideologies and practices in FSL/ dérangeant les idéologies et les pratiques coloniales en FLS

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Publisher:  FSL Teacher Recruitment and Retention project

Author:  Dr. Gail Prasad, Taylor Boreland and Marika Kunnas

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Submitted by:  Michael

Date Submitted:  novembre 3, 2021

Language of Resource: Autre

Resource Type: Video

Media Format: Website

This is the recording of the first session of an online series conducted as a pilot project in response to a larger study titled: FSL Recruitment and Retention, funded by the Ministry of Education, and conducted at the University of Ottawa by Dr. Stephanie Arnott and Dr. Marie-Emilie Masson and Glendon at York University by Dr. Gail Prasad and Dr. Muriel Peguret. This bilingual discussion followed a question and answer format between teacher candidates and 2 experts in the FSL field surrounding questions of race, diversity and inclusivity in the FLS classroom, global francophonie and anti-oppressive education practices. Experts’ experiences, strategies and resources are shared.

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Program(s): Other

Education Level: All Levels

Subject(s): Éducation, Langue française

Traditional Knowledge Label(s): ST Sans objet

Accessibililty: The resource has been assessed for accessibility purposes and has been determined to be accessible.

Equity, Diversity, Social Justice: This material contains content related to equity, diversity, and/or social justice.

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