
Sons & Lettres: A pronunciation method for intermediate-level French

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Publisher:  Portland State University Library

Author:  Walton, Stephen

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Submitted by:  yorkfsl

Date Submitted:  avril 12, 2021


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Language of Resource: Anglais

Media Format: Website

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Sons et lettres provides a set of classroom materials to train students to hear and produce the sounds of French and to recognize the regular spellings used to represent those sounds in print. The materials are inspired by a desire to help students feel more confident about their French pronunciation and more at home saying the many French words, familiar and unfamiliar, which they encounter in their studies, in French media and in their travels. In our experience, students are not given sufficient preparation to successfully decipher and pronounce French words. These materials are intended to fill that gap and to clear away the confusion that English speakers often feel when they see French words with seemingly mysterious combinations of letters.

Table of Contents
Fiches d’exercices
Preliminary Exercises
Exercise 1: Graphemes
Exercise 2: Unpronounced Final Consonants
Section 1: Voyelles orales
Leçon 1: au/ou
Leçon 2: a/è
Leçon 3: i/u
Leçon 4: ou/u
Leçon 5: ou/eu
Leçon 6: a/o+C
Leçon 7: o+C/ô
Leçon 8: é/e (le schwa)
Section 2: Voyelles nasales
Leçon 9: Consonnes nasales et voyelles nasales
Leçon 10: on/an
Leçon 11: an/in
Leçon 12: an/on/in
Section 3: Consonnes
Leçon 13: gn/n
Leçon 14: s/ss
Leçon 15: gi/gui
Leçon 16: c(a)/ç(a)
Leçon 17: il-/ill-
Leçon 18: -il final
A. French Graphemes and their Phonetic Symbols (IPA chart)
B. Beyond Individual Sounds: Prosodic Features of French
French Vowels:
Vowel Consistency
Nasal Vowels
French Consonants:
Consonant Release
French r
Other Consonants:
Letter h
Consonant Clusters ps and pn
Rhythm and Accentuation

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Education Level: Université - deuxième et troisième cycle

Subject(s): Langue française

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