
Les Accents

Through the exploration of French and English accents in Canada and around the world, students engage in insightful discussions, learn vocabulary and phrases to navigate misunderstandings in conversation, and create posters advocating for linguistic equality. Save to Board […]

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Finding an accommodation for a weekend or holiday

This resource provides a lesson plan for young adults and adult A1 learners. At this end of this lesson, learners will be able to find a suitable accommodation for their holiday in French They will specifically develop the following skills: • distinguish types of accommodation • chose the one they prefer • name three aspects […]

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Qu’est-ce que le virus de la COVID-19?

Resource created to bring awareness to the COVID virus among indigenous students, age 4 to 7, but also applies to every student. Student will learn how to protect him or herself through fun activities. Save to Board […]

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This is a learning unit about human rights, for students from grades 9 to 12. Students can be inspired by Mme. Louise Arbour’s speech found on Youtube. Save to Board […]

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