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The website brings together resources for teaching and learning French as a second language (FSL) and is designed and organized around three conceptual axes for self-directed learning. It includes 311 resources organized in 3 distinctive collections (thematic, grammatical and the oral communication one) that are presented in clear pedagogical sequences aimed at guiding learner’s progress […]

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French Children’s Stories retold by the Fable Cottage

“The stories of “The Three Little Pigs”, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “Little Red Riding Hood” translated into French and read along audio available by a native French speaker.” “Some well-known children’s stories translated into French and spoken by a native French speaker. Great for kids… and adults too! Read along in French or […]

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French Language Games

French language games to use in classroom or at home. “This site has easy to moderate online French games that OTs, unfamiliar with French, can use in the classroom. They will reinforce French basics and keep the class engaged.” Save to Board […]

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French resources about the fight for racial justice

Inspired by the New York Times’ recent Antiracist Reading List, we’ve put together a list of French books, movies, and podcasts about the fight for racial justice. Books — Books about racial issues that CouCou teachers recommend — Films — Our recommendations — Podcasts — Ou selection of podcasts and special episodes dedicated to racial […]

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French Resources and Video Collections For The Classroom

There are videos and customizable Google slides for different themes and primary grades. “This site offers videos for Primary Core French and Junior Core French. Since they are intended for Primary Core or Immersion classes, they are suitable for FASL students Junior (some Intermediate).” Save to Board […]

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FSL homework toolbox

A comprehensive resource for all FSL learners K-12 wanting to improve their French speaking, listening, reading writing, grammar and language structure. FSL homework toolbox provides French math activities from the Rainbow District School Board in Northern Ontario, K-12. Development of Listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as language structures, grammar, vocabulary and expressions. Save […]

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Darsanimé-Dessin animé islamique / Muslim cartoon

These cartoons can be used to teach children about the Islamic religion and as an intercultural activity, to explain non-Islamic children about Ramadan and other important Islamic holidays. this type of activity helps students to feel included in the school and the classroom. Des méthodes Prophétiques associées aux dernières Découvertes en Neurosciences Cognitives et Affectives, […]

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Décrocher son diplôme (et l’emploi de ses rêves!) / Comment maîtriser les compétences essentielles menant au succès à l’école, au travail et dans la vie

Poursuivre ses études, c’est palpitant, mais c’est également stressant. Quels cours devrais-je suivre? Quel programme devrais-je choisir? Vais-je décrocher un emploi après avoir obtenu mon diplôme? Rassurez-vous : ce livre permet de constater que la meilleure façon de bien préparer son entrée dans le marché du travail, c’est de réussir ses études. Travailler en équipe, […]

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Défi de la citoyenneté

Présenté par Historica Canada, le Défi de la citoyenneté invite les Canadiens à mettre leurs connaissances de notre pays à l’épreuve, en passant un faux examen pour la citoyenneté en français ou en anglais, après avoir étudié en conséquence. Historica Canada offre des programmes que vous pouvez utiliser afin d’explorer, d’apprendre et de réfléchir à […]

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