Studies on the benefits of language learning are numerous. Two graduate students from Stanford University highlight three areas of research most relevant to school administrators, policy makers and parents in […]
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Discipline progressive sans préjugés guide de ressources à l’usage des leaders scolaires et des leaders du système. Ce guide vise à encadrer les leaders scolaires et les leaders du système […]
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In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, a multilayered contact of local, regional, international languages and linguae franc he is the norm, rather than the exception. Much has been written […]
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“This longitudinal case study examines four new FSL teachers’ beliefs regarding the best and worst FSL program for English language learners and students with learning difficulties; the data are drawn […]
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“This study is concerned with Grade nine applied level students’ attitudes toward learning French. The following paper provides an in-depth case study of one group of 18 students from a […]
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English Teacher 5 étoiles is an original project developed by the Association canadienne des professionnels de l’immersion (ACPI) in the wake of its Canada-wide consultation, the results of which were […]
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Sons et lettres provides a set of classroom materials to train students to hear and produce the sounds of French and to recognize the regular spellings used to represent those […]
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Le manuel RÉSUMER, SYNTHÉTISER, ARGUMENTER s’adresse aux étudiants de français langue seconde de niveau avancé (3e ou 4e année universitaire, essentiellement). Profitant des possibilités qu’offre le format multimédia, le manuel […]
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Cette liste comprend toutes les ressources utilisées dans les quatre ateliers en éducation autochtone de la FECB: 1) L’exercice des couvertures, 2) Le legs des écoles résidentielles, 3) La déconstruction […]
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This paper analyses recent research findings which reveal some non-linguistic benefits children acquire by learning a second language. And, it is argued that such benefits not only benefit children and […]
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