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Bref essai sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté et la pédagogie de la réconciliation au collégial

Brief essay on the topic of reconciliation in the context of college education. Partant de mon expérience à titre de conseillère pédagogique, j’examine les diverses représenta-tions de l’interculturalité (Hall, 1999; Saul, 2015) à l’œuvre autour de la réconciliation dans mon milieu, un établissement d’enseignement collégial. Ainsi, j’évoque ici quatre représentations possibles de la réconciliation, d’un […]

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Canadian FSL Teacher Candidate Beliefs about Students with Learning Difficulties

Through the lens of critical theory, and with consideration of research on the beliefs of teacher candidates and inclusion, this study considers the views of French Second Language pre-service teachers toward students with learning difficulties. This study reports on the results of two questionnaires, implemented prior to and following the participants’ classroom practicum experiences, as […]

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2009 État de l’apprentissage chez les Autochtones au Canada : Une approche holistique de l’évaluation de la réussite

Le rapport État de l’apprenssage chez les Autochtones au Canada : Une approche holistique de l’évaluation de la réussite est la première proposition en ce sens et s’appuie sur une approche novatrice pour mesurer l’apprentissage chez les Autochtones au Canada. Sommaire — Introduction — Chapitre 1: Une approche holistique de l’évaluation de l’apprentissage — Chapitre […]

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Apprentissage inspiré de la terre Rapport d’étude de cas : comment intégrer une philosophie autochtone à l’enseignement?

This report discusses a land-inspired program that takes a pan-Indigenous approach for indoor and outdoor learning, directed toward youth in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. Note aux enseignants et aux administrateurs — Sommaire — Contexte actuel de l’éducation autochtone au Canada — Étude de cas : H’a H’a Tumxulaux Outdoor Education Program — Incidences […]

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Ain’t I a woman ? / Ne suis-je pas une femme ?

Francais Discours prononcé en 1851,à la Women’s Convention de Akron, Ohio, USA. English This brochure offers two different transcripts of Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech, translated from English to French. The first is by a white woman (Frances Dana Gage) who embellished her transcript of the speech with a southern-style American dialect. Gage […]

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ACCESSING OPPORTUNITY / A study on challenges in French-as-a-second-language education teacher supply and demand in Canada.

One of the main responsibilities of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada (the Commissioner) is to promote linguistic duality in Canadian society. To help meet this responsibility, the Commissioner raises Canadians’ awareness of the benefits of linguistic duality and carries out research, studies and public awareness activities to help inform all Canadians of the […]

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Access to special education for exceptional students in French immersion programs: An equity issue

English Exceptional pupils enrolled in Canadian French immersion programs rarely have access to the same range of special education programs and services that are available to students in the regular English program. More often than not, students with special needs are encouraged to transfer to English programs to access necessary support services. This counselling-out process […]

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A framework for French as a second language in Ontario schools, Kindergarten to grade 12 / Cadre stratégique pour l’apprentissage du français langue seconde dans les écoles de l’Ontario de la maternelle à la 12e année

Beginning with explaining the benefits of FSL learning and the Ministry of Ontario Framework for French as a second language, this online guidebook addresses many frequent questions parents of students in FSL have. A review of the latest research on FSL pedagogy is also provided, including how FSL impacts first language skills. A French online […]

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